
Showing posts from July, 2018

Workshop for youth

We had a great time making Origami cranes at the Origami Workshop at the Midlothian Library. We made 80 Origami Cranes together! The Midlothian Library will continue to be a drop off point for our project, "1000 Origami Cranes."

1000 Origami Cranes Project

Thousand Origami Cranes  is a group of one thousand  origami   paper cranes  held together by  strings . The Crane in Japan is one of the holy creatures and is said to live for a thousand years.  Making a thousand Cranes expresses the desire for long life and happiness.  It has been the tradition in Japan that if someone is sick, then his/her friends, family, and the community will try to make a thousand Origami Cranes to present as prayers for healing. We named this project, "1000 Origami Cranes Project".  As a community, we would like to invite everyone to participate in making a thousand Origami Cranes. We plan to present the thousand Origami Cranes to hospitals. Our workshops and drop off location will be posted on this blog site. We also welcome any group, school, or other organization to participate in our project. Please contact us using the contact form.