
Showing posts from September, 2019

1000 cranes found a new home!

Thank you, Tsuyako and everyone who contributed to our 1000 crane project! Our 1000 cranes were presented to the Masonic Home for elderly in Richmond, VA. I know each one who participated in this project, made these cranes with his/her love for those who receive them. As the 1000 cranes are the symbol for wellness and happiness, it is our prayer that these 1000 cranes will bring a lot of happiness to these dear gentlemen and ladies at this facility. Our sincere thanks to the director of the Masonic Home for elderly in Richmond for accepting our gift for residents. "Thank you so much to all of you!" Our project will continue... If you want to participate in this project, please contact us using the contact form. We will send you the instruction, "how to make origami cranes".

1000 cranes completed!

Thank you very much, everyone! 1000 cranes completed and now they will be strung together. They will be heading out to the new home soon. Thank you very much to all who contributed cranes!